Talking Technology with Liability Brewing Company

Humans have been brewing beer for thousands of years. Needless to say, the industry has seen it’s fair share of technological improvements, which seem to jump further and further ahead each year, all in an attempt to make life in the brewery a little bit easier.

That’s why this episode of The True Craft Podcast is all about technology.

Brandon gives us the perspective of an automated brewhouse, the journey it took to get to that point, and an overview of some of the back office software we recommend the most.

Then we bring in our guest, a wizard when it comes to technology, Terry Horner from Liability Brewing Company in Greenville, South Carolina.  

Terry is a software engineer who used his knowledge to optimize everything they do in the brewery, and he also gives some great insight on artificial intelligence in the industry.



Vermont Information Processing




Liability Brewing Company

DC Brau

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