First, the topic dominating almost every conversation this week…
The thing on everyone’s mind
A quick share from what we thought was a clear, no-nonsense assessment and directive on Coronavirus and its implications.
And since Joe Rogan apparently is now the most trusted name in news… if you haven’t seen it I’d highly recommend taking 15 minutes to sit down with this interview segment with infectious disease expert Michael Osterholm:
If you have other resources, thoughts, or craft-specific recommendations on CV and its effects you’d like to share, please let us know.
We’ll curate and rebroadcast as appropriate.
And on a lighter note, two books we’ve been jamming on…
Leaders eat last
Show of hands, how many of you believe it’s the liquid that keeps the brewery going?
(I’m going to assume that (a) you’re reading this with an audience of your peers behind you of course, and (b) that most people are currently raising their hands.)
Would you believe me if I told you that the liquid was only 10% of the equation?
As you may know, I am a huge fan of my boy Simon Sinek. And I’ve been digging his book Leaders Eat Last as of late. In this book he drives home a topic which all businesses (craft included) can learn from:
Leaders must create a place where team members feel valued and fulfilled about the work they do.
No this is not millennial talk, it is human talk. Most humans seek validation and a path to improve themselves.
And the more you can help them create that path, the more productive, fulfilled, and engaged your team will be.
This 4-min video is an excellent “spark notes” version:
And finally, this one from Tom…
Think process, not product
In many ways, we live in an outputs-focused culture… and live and die by how our productive output is received.
In the craft world, its:
- How’d the last can release do?
- How do we get the word out more about our flagship?
- What are our depletions looking like and are they gonna pick us up for a re-order?
But, people are equally (and oftentimes more) interested in is the process.
What went into the product. The story behind it. The why.

That’s Austin Kleon’s contention in Show Your Work. How he describes it:
“The big idea behind the book is that work is about process, not product. And by freely sharing your process, you can gain a following.”
So the question then becomes: How can you share more of your process and tell the story behind your product?
He also illuminates the impact of small, consistent, daily actions.

You can only post a variation on the same product photo so many times. But if you share something about your process each day, in a month, and then a year, you’ll have painted a rich context around your liquid and your brand that’s eminently sharable and engaging for your audience.
Pretty powerful right?