"Chris and the Small Batch team continue to think forward in our industry. I am impressed and reminded that we can not be thinking about the short term wins anymore. We have to change our mindset and focus on the Long Game to create long-term sustainable businesses."
Michael Memsic
Co-Founder & CEO of Sanitas Brewing Co.
200+ attendees
10 Cities
What is The Long Game Roadshow?
Seeing a trend in short-term decision making, Chris (SBS Founder) created The Long Game Playbook in the Fall of 2022 to shift the conversation into having a Long Game mindset in the craft industry. This resonated with a lot of brewery owners and he decided to take the Playbook on the road.

He found that not only talking about having a Long Game mindset was beneficial, but that the conversations being had amongst local brewery owners at the Roadshow stops were on another level.

The Long Game Playbook is split into five sections: Intro, Taproom, Distribution, Operations, and Leadership. You can find each section linked below.
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